The men who make the trail work

DCNR workers Chuck Diggan and Kevin Finnefrock spent August 11th cleaning the venting systems at comfort stations along the Pine Creek Rail Trail. Near the end of their day's hard work, they stand outside the station at the south end of the village of Cammal. Diggan and Finnefrock cleaned dirt and insects (including bees' nests!) from the vents, their blades and their solar cells, resulting in the systems' return to good working order. With the sun shining on the systems after these men's labors, the blades will turn freely again, resulting in restrooms that smell fresh and clean. Visiting bicyclists, walkers and joggers during the rest of this summer will benefit from the efforts of Diggan and Finnefrock.
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Pine Creek

Biking The Pine Creek Trail With Dave Kagan

May 17 Ride

May 25th. Trail Ride

Trail Ride 05-26-2010

June 3rd. Pine Creek Trail - Dave Kagan

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