Historical Stream Conditions

There are a total of 125 articles in the category Historical_Conditions

9-03-11: Pine is in beautiful condition for this time of year. We missed most of the storms and received just enough to create great water conditions. Numerous trout survived the harvest onslought and offer good fis0hing on the upper part of the Slate Run area. Most of the action is... click here for more

09-09-11: Pine has dropped to just below the three foot level. Still some what muddy, but clearing quickly. We were very lucky.The storm was located just to our east. We had 48 hours of light to moderate rain. A total of just under 3.5 inches. Pine peaked out at over... click here for more

08-08-2011 Much needed rain over the week end helped pine somewhat. Water flow and level is up just above 80 year average. Still relatively low and warm. Forecast for additional thunderstorms the next couple of days should help. Trout fishing still not productive. The fish are stressed and just hanging... click here for more

08-01-2011: Here we are the first of August. Pine is low low low. The lack of rain in the valley has taken it's toll. Trout fishing on pine creek is futile. Slate and Cedar runs are where to go if you want to find a trout. Try for bass in... click here for more

07-25-2011: Still no decent rain in the past week. Air temperatures as high as 102 over the week end. Pine creek level hovers at 0.9' Stream gage may be bottomed out. The trout are stressed and holding wherever they can find cool, oxygenated water. Bass fishing is still the best... click here for more

07-18-2011: Pine is as low as it can get. The trout are stressed and holding wherever they can find cool, oxygenated water. Some surface activity reported early mornings. Best bet for now is to try for bass. There's plenty of eager smallies in the creek looking for an easy meal.... click here for more

07-11-2011: Pine is as low as it can get. The trout are stressed and holding wherever they can find cool, oxygenated water. Best bet for now is to try for bass. There's plenty of eager smallies in the creek looking for an easy meal. Surface poppers or colorful streamers will... click here for more

06-27-2011: Pine continues to drop and warm up. Best fishing is early morning and late afternoon. Surface activity picked still minimal. Best results continues to be nymphs fished deep. The weather forecast is for average to slightly above average temperatures (low 80's) with a chance of occasional showers for the... click here for more

06-22-2011: Pine recieved a little water overnight with a passing storm. Flows are now close to the 92 year average. Best fishing is early morning and late afternoon. Surface activity picked up yesterday with the best pattern being Slate Drake drys. The weather forecast is for average to slightly above... click here for more

06-09-2011: Pine has dropped over the last week. Still higher than the 92 year average, but significantly lower than it has been. Hatches have been light. The water is warming with these very high air temperatures. Flyfishers are catching trout in the morning and evenings. Mostly under the water surface.... click here for more

06-02-2011: We are finally back on line. Wind shears and tornado's nocked outy our phone service and electric on May 26th. We were connected back June 1st. Lots of damage to the forests and homes. Slate Run area received a direct hit. I'll post photo's in the gallery section of... click here for more

05-25-2011: Pine is clearing and dropping. It should be ready by the weekend. Fish are being taken on streamers and nymphs. If we can manage to get through the next few days without a heavy thunderstorm, we will have nice conditions. The Drakes should show up next week. ... click here for more

05-21-2011: More rain. Pine is dropping,but still very high for fishing. Off color and in the upper 50's. ... click here for more

05-19-2011: High flow, slightly off color. Heavy thunderstorms and down pours increased the volume to an unfishable level. The headwaters should be fishable by the weekend ... click here for more

05-19-2011: More rain! I have very little to share with you this report. Pine is up and muddy. We were hoping to get the Maech Brown hatch this past week and were looking foreward to some Sulphurs this week, but we received more rain.Pine will take at least four days... click here for more

05-15-2011: Saturday did not provide the surface activity that fishermen wanted. The Dark Olive Caddis is coming to an end, but it was an incrediable hatch this year. All of the Caddis hatches have been very strong so far this year. Hopefully the Mayfly hatches will be the same. The... click here for more

05-08-2011: The runs are clear and dropping. Good spring level and flow. Very little surface activity. Nymphs producing slow to moderate fishing. We need some sun and warming waters. The stream looks great and this coming week we are going to get wondefrul weather. The trout are nice and heavy... click here for more

05-12-2011: Very heavy Adult Caddis egg layers last evening. Lots of surface activity just before dark. During the day streamers were the best bet. Nymphs with emergers dropped off above the nymph was a distant third. Water dropping to near the 92 year average. Good weather predicted for the rest... click here for more

05-11-11: Pine is warming and dropping. Surface activity is still slow.Hatches are light at this time. We are waiting for the March Brown hatch to get going at a heavier rate. They are hatching, but sparsely at this time. That should change with warming water temperatures. Weather predictions are good... click here for more

05-08-2011: The runs are clear and dropping. Good spring level and flow. Very little surface activity. Nymphs producing slow to moderate fishing. We need some sun and warming waters. The stream looks great and this coming week we are going to get wondefrul weather. The trout are nice and heavy... click here for more

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